The most thought-provoking thing in our thought-provoking time is that we are still not thinking – Martin Heidegger
When social critics speak of human conformity, they do not go far enough.
When they lament people’s docility and collectivity, they still fall short of the mark. We must go much further in our analysis of humanity’s sorry condition. Psychologist, Erich Fromm, points us in the right direction when he says, that people are, for the most part, not bio-philous (lovers of life); rather, they are necro-philous (lovers of death). He whole-heartily agrees with Gabriel Marcel who, stated that humans are, for the most part Misosophist (haters of wisdom).
Naturally, this truism offends us deeply. It is not a solution readily accepted by most people, who hide this truth from themselves by colossal acts of self-deception. What we know as ‘’consciousness,’’ is mostly a matter of chronic self-deceptiveness.
Throughout my work, I maintain that it is by adeptly combining the thought of Gabriel Marcel and Martin Heidegger that we finally come upon what we so desperately need when it comes to humanity’s age-old problems. We finally have in our hands a Theory of Everything!